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Challenge the Wind

Based on a solo exhibition dedicated to the sport activity of the bicycles club Beit Shneor – Etgarim Center, Tel Aviv

For Hebrew click here (לעברית)


I photographed ‘Challenge the Wind’ during March-September 2018, following the sport activity of the bicycles club, Beith Shneor – Etgarim Center in Tel Aviv. Etgarim (Challenge) is a non-profit organization that matches volunteers with people of disabilities. The first photograph, Central Pathway Under the Bridge, had initiated the project. To make the last one I asked Alon, a dynamic young man who won a few medals in Special Olympic games, to take me on a tandem bicycles in a group ride. The photo shows our mutual silhouette riding along the beach of Tel Aviv. Each photograph tells a unique personal story of struggle, strength, kindness and hope.

My photographic challenge was to present the vibe of the riders’ multidimensional experience on a medium that is two-dimensional by nature. I used my space-time photography methods.



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